Wednesday, October 04, 2006

rainy days and Monday's

Somehow I have a thing with music, when I see things, take for instance this shot I took yesterday, I immediatly thought of a song of long ago called rainy days and Monday's. A friend always laughs at me how I come up with a tune for almost all occasions, what can I say? I love music! Posted by Picasa

A trip to Paris

My very first trip to paris was wonderful, went with my daughter Connie , and son-in-law Chris. they totally spoiled me, and we had a ball. We took the speed train from Holland to Paris, that on it's own was a treat, well worth it.recomend it to anyone who wants to try it! Posted by Picasa

karen's page

Here we go.. it's all new to me, and thanks to James, I have come thus far, somewhere I shall goof up for sure, but bear with me!